Relkath's Foot
Relkath’s Foot is built around four tall, majestic trees that rise more than 100 feet out of the forest’s thick canopy into the open light. These are said to have sprung from the buried foot of an ancient god, Relkath of the Numberless Branches. Relkath, along with other mysterious powers who predate the elves, is said to be sleeping beneath the forest’s soil, someday to awaken when the people of the Yuirwood need their ancient gods again.
Many inhabitants of Relkath’s Foot live on the ground, constantly on the lookout for invaders or strangers of any kind. The rest make their homes on wooden platforms in the massive trees and the surrounding forest, all strung together by a complex network of ropes and suspension bridges. Outsiders are rarely permitted in the boughs of the trees. A merchants’ square is set up on the ground near the four trees, and a pair of inns flank the town to the north and south. Travelers are welcome as long as they respect the natives and their way of life.
Relkath’s Foot is more a center of barter, celebration, and lorekeeping than of commerce and industry. The local hunters bring their game and furs here to sell, usually bartering for needed goods rather than hoarding the Simbul’s coinage. Many skilled woodworkers, including some of the kingdom’s finest bowyers, keep workshops in and around the town. The Masters of the Yuirwood have their headquarters here. Just outside the city stands a menhir circle portal that leads directly to the Sunglade. From there, the Masters can reach anywhere else in the forest in less than a day. The rangers of Relkath’s Foot—many of whom are masters of the Yuirwood—are legendary. Human rangers from all over Faerûn journey here to learn from these seasoned foresters.
The Royal Hall
Princess Blindelsyn spends much of her time here, overseeing the work of keeping Relkath’s Foot running smoothly. It is an amazing structure, made entirely of living wood magically fashioned into floors, walls, windows, and even a leafy throne covered with everblooming flowers. The Royal Hall is situated at the top of the tallest of the four trees. The only thing higher in the entire region is the aerie of a family of song dragons—two mature adults and two young. They live here among the half-elves, and each party is sworn to protect the other. The half-elves cover the ground, while the dragons watch the skies.
Notable Businesses
There are two excellent inns in Relkath’s Foot: the Green Man (to the north) and the Taproot (to the south). Both are fine places, although outsiders are more common at the Taproot, which boasts a first-class alehouse as well as private rooms. The Green Man has only a single common room.
The two inns often hold competitions between their regular patrons. These include tests of forester skills, such as climbing greased poles or firing arrows at a moving target through a stand of trees. Outlanders are welcome to join but rarely do well against the local experts.
Major Temples
Many members of the elven pantheon are traditionally represented in Relkath’s Foot. Rillifane Rallathil, the elven deity of woodlands and nature, is held in especially high regard, and the House of the Leaflord, in a tree-shaded glen a mile from the town, is one of the largest of Rillifane’s temples anywhere on Faerûn. Ilmaryn Oakheart (NG female half-elf Drd17), the ranking druid of the Yuirwood, watches over her domain from this place. Smaller shrines to Corellon Larethian and Silvanus also exist.